Hey it’s me, Ka’ua!
I was born and raised in Maui, Hawaii. These days, I call California my home, where I'm continuing my education and enjoying various hobbies outside of writing. If I were to trace my interest in writing back to my childhood, I'd say that my exposure to fantasy novels like Eragon and games like Dungeons and Dragons and RuneScape really inspired me.
In October of 2023, I published A New World For You, the first novel in an isekai fantasy series that follows Ewan Hamada as he faces off against insurmountable odds, all without the standard broken isekai abilities that most isekai protaganist are gifted with.
This isn't to say you won't find some familiar tropes, but I've definitely put my own take on the genre. I'm hoping you'll appreciate the journey as much as I have.
Publishing my book has opened me up to new communities where I can grow alongside other like minded individuals. It's been great having them share their journey and sharing where I've been in return. I've also had the honor of sharing my story on Campfire, where I talk about my writing process and how I crafted my distinct approach to the isekai narrative. If you'd like to learn more, feel free to check out the entire interview here.